Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change
ThirdEye Yoga is about a physical & mental lifestyle, not a complicated shape or a stressful workout. We believe it should be a requirement to learn these essential building blocks before starting classes. Our programs make you aware of everything inside, outside & all around you. Exit your comfort zone and enter a new way of living and moving without pain, fear or discomfort. We teach you the science behind how the body and mind can work together so you can build better habits, make healthier choices and improve your quality of life right down to gene expression. There is no rewind button.. life is happening in real time and isn't going to wait for you to participate, so it's your choice.. life as is or all it can be. We make the work worth it, and if you commit to it, yoga will change your life.
“Broke down yoga for me in a way no other teacher has in the last ten years.. Yoga has become a “sport” in our culture in many ways and Thirdeye reminded me that is not its origin. This helped me to stop trying to “succeed” at it, which in turn allowed me to grow in it.” – Michelle M.
Getting bent out of shape .. won’t happen here
Thirdeye is speaking to people who are ready to go deeper than the shape on the surface. We are not interested in large crowded classes where everyone gets lost in the mix. No one is ruled out regardless of age, experience, goals or lifestyle. We make sure each person gets:
- A knowledge base of how YOUR body works and what it needs.
- Personal attention & a killer support system.
- A customized curriculum ranging from dynamic poses to gentle constructive therapeutic movement.
- A tool kit for you to work with your body instead of against it. This is not rocket science.. it’s common sense body maintenance.
- GUARANTEED RESULTS .. If you take action and stick with it.
“Totally changed my life. I can’t praise Thirdeye highly enough. The epitome of down-to-earth, authentic, and present. Thirdeye embodies the tenets of yoga with positive energy, kindness, compassion, and playfulness. The real deal.” – Jen A.
Bending over backwards .. takes a whole new meaning
We encourage you to expand your physical horizon and discover that movement is not exclusive to the exercise box.
- Shut down stress from your daily lifestyle once and for all. For some of us, truly relaxing is even harder than the most challenging yoga postures. Learn why it matters and how to make it happen.
- Deepen your understanding of alignment. From handstand to savasana, from sitting to standing, we break it down to the core building blocks that lay the groundwork for all body movement.
- Learn how to translate breath in to power. More than muscle, breath elevates physical and mental performance and condition and we have the facts to prove it!
“One of the best things to happen in my life. I cannot speak highly enough. I came to Thirdeye with many pain issues, 2 surgeries in my past, a total beginner at a tortoise pace. Thirdeye is patient and kind, SO dedicated, affordable and fair, and cares about the small and large victories .. Thirdeye wants their students to have not just better physical health, but clarity and peace.” – Meredith A.
Change your perspective
When was the last time you truly felt awesome? It can be the norm rather than the exception. Thirdeye puts you in the 'no-nonsense zone'. Complete truth. It's hard to see the whole picture when you're inside the frame. We encourage you to step out of your status quo, give yourself a reality check and take a good look at everything from the inside out so that you can finally feel right in your body and comfortable in your skin and experience life by design rather than by default. You may think you don't have time to get healthy, but believe me, you definitely don't have time to get sick. Be proactive and schedule an appointment with yourself now.
A major shift. I was hurting myself a lot because I wasn’t getting the adjustments I needed.. Thirdeye cares about making sure the movements are done in a safe way .. Thirdeye is good at recognizing my individual needs and capabilities and modifying the movements for me.”
– Bibi D.
Life does not get better by chance. It gets better by change
ThirdEye Yoga is about a physical & mental lifestyle, not a complicated shape or a stressful workout. We believe it should be a requirement to learn these essential building blocks before starting classes. Our programs make you aware of everything inside, outside & all around you. Exit your comfort zone and enter a new way of living and moving without pain, fear or discomfort. We teach you the science behind how the body and mind can work together so you can build better habits, make healthier choices and improve your quality of life right down to gene expression. There is no rewind button.. life is happening in real time and isn't going to wait for you to participate, so it's your choice.. life as is or all it can be. We make the work worth it, and if you commit to it, yoga will change your life.
“Broke down yoga for me in a way no other teacher has in the last ten years.. Yoga has become a “sport” in our culture in many ways and Thirdeye reminded me that is not its origin. This helped me to stop trying to “succeed” at it, which in turn allowed me to grow in it.” – Michelle M.
Getting bent out of shape .. won’t happen here
Thirdeye is speaking to people who are ready to go deeper than the shape on the surface. We are not interested in large crowded classes where individuals get neglected. No one is ruled out regardless of age, experience, goals, lifestyle. We make sure each person gets:
- A knowledge base of how YOUR body works and what it needs.
- Personal attention & a killer support system.
- A customized curriculum ranging from dynamic poses to gentle constructive therapeutic movement.
- A tool kit for you to work with your body instead of against it. This is not rocket science.. it’s common sense body maintenance.
- GUARANTEED RESULTS .. If you take action and stick with it.
“Totally changed my life. I can’t praise Thirdeye highly enough. The epitome of down-to-earth, authentic, and present. Thirdeye embodies the tenets of yoga with positive energy, kindness, compassion, and playfulness. The real deal.” – Jen A.
Bending over backwards .. takes a whole new meaning
We encourage you to expand your physical horizon and discover that movement is not exclusive to the exercise box.
- Shut down stress from your daily lifestyle once and for all. For some of us, truly relaxing is even harder than the most challenging yoga postures. Learn why it matters and how to make it happen.
- Deepen your understanding of alignment. From handstand to savasana, from sitting to standing, we break it down to the core building blocks that lay the groundwork for all body movement.
- Learn how to translate breath in to power. More than muscle, breath elevates physical and mental performance and condition and we have the facts to prove it!
“One of the best things to happen in my life. I cannot speak highly enough. I came to Thirdeye with many pain issues, 2 surgeries in my past, a total beginner at a tortoise pace. Thirdeye is patient and kind, SO dedicated, affordable and fair, and cares about the small and large victories .. Thirdeye wants their students to have not just better physical health, but clarity and peace.” – Meredith A.
Change your perspective
When was the last time you truly felt awesome? It can be the norm rather than the exception. Thirdeye puts you in the 'no-nonsense zone'. Complete truth. It's hard to see the whole picture when you're inside the frame. We encourage you to step out of your status quo, give yourself a reality check and take a good look at everything from the inside out so that you can finally feel right in your body and comfortable in your skin and experience life by design rather than by default. You may think you don't have time to get healthy, but believe me, you definitely don't have time to get sick. Be proactive and schedule an appointment with yourself now.
A major shift. I was hurting myself a lot because I wasn’t getting the adjustments I needed.. Thirdeye cares about making sure the movements are done in a safe way .. Thirdeye is good at recognizing my individual needs and capabilities and modifying the movements for me.”
– Bibi D.
Alignment & Pain-Free Posture
Stress and the City
Yoga for Anxiety Relief
Yoga For Cancer Support