Policies and Terms

When you invest in improving your health with ThirdEye Yoga, we are fully committed and dedicated to making that time and support available for you. Our preparation, research and dedication to our work and each client is put forth whole heartedly.

We also continue to believe that yoga should be available to everyone and our discounted rates reflect this so that yoga can be realistically incorporated in to your lifestyle.

In return, we ask that our policies below remain respected as guidelines that allow ThirdEye Yoga to be of service to you in the best manner possible.

We can’t imagine anything more important than your own personal time to regroup, nurture your health and improve your lifestyle, so if you don’t show up, then it’s more your loss than ours. DON’T LET IT HAPPEN! A missed session or arriving more than 15 minutes late will result in a customer-cancelled session. Zero tolerance, NO EXCEPTIONS MADE.

Please allow for enough time for commuting and parking. If the client arrives more than 15 minutes late, this will result in a customer-cancelled session. Zero tolerance, NO EXCEPTIONS MADE. We may have a session booked previous to or following yours so please be patient should you try to contact us, as we may be unavailable.

CANCELLATION POLICY. PLEASE NOTE: Should you forfeit or cancel your first session within less than 24 hours notice, your credit card will be billed for the full amount of your purchase. FOR FIRST TIME CLIENTS ONLY if you contact us no less than 24 hours in advance, your initial session can be rescheduled within the same week of the original appointment depending on availability. After your first session, there is a 48 HOUR CANCELLATION policy that is requested in that if you must cancel in less than 48 hours, payment is still honored and/or any gift voucher subject to forfeiture. NO EXCEPTIONS MADE. There is a 2 month expiration on any 5 session package. That’s 5 sessions in 2 months. You can do it.. your commitment starts now! (If you have a special circumstance and require an extension, please let us know and we will gladly try to accommodate). No transfers, No refunds, No going back. In order to give each person our full service, we only take a certain number of clients. This means that when we commit to working with you, we often say no to others. Session start time has a fifteen (15) minute grace period should the client arrive tardy, after which Nicole Ulrick / ThirdEye Yoga reserves the right to deem the session cancelled and hold the client fully responsible for the cancellation policy and fees. Please respect our policies as guidelines that allow ThirdEye Yoga to be of service to you in the best manner possible. By replying to the initial session confirmation email or by showing up to your first session, it is understood that the client has read and agrees to all terms, conditions and policeis at http://thirdeyeyogastudio.com/terms as well as http://thirdeyeyogastudio.com/liability. All phone and/or email communication regarding scheduling, cancellations and payment policies will be handled by Natalie at natalie@thirdeyeyogastudio.com or 718.865.8568.

BUT I JUST missed my expiration window and am almost done with my package!
No problem. We understand that life takes unexpected turns and we want to be reasonable so usually if there is one session left within TWO WEEKS after the expiration window we offer a two week extension. In a case when the post-expiration time frame is longer and/or you have multiple sessions left, it makes it unrealistic to accommodate that much more of an extension. What we can offer you is a reactivation of your unused sessions for an additional month for $40 or the fee is waived with the purchase of another 5 class package. Please realize that these packages are awesomely discounted and are meant to be a cohesive experience for your benefit, so long time lapses between sessions means a loss in its effectiveness.

Please view our client liability policy at thirdeyeyoga liability

Please respect our policies as guidelines that allow ThirdEye Yoga to be of service to you in the best manner possible. By replying to the initial session confirmation email or by showing up to your first session, it is understood that the client has read and agrees to all terms included above.