Why Yoga Works!

Nothing is more of a drag than poor health or annoying injuries so at the very least remember that all that you learn on your mat will help you learn how to walk, run, dance, swim, hike, think, breathe the right way.

Remember that while strength and speed have their place, dexterity, coordination, agility, focus, efficiency and range of motion are just some of the other tools that are required for optimal movement. Because yoga is so all-inclusive, yoga fills in the gaps of your training, speeds recovery and ensures that you don't have any weak links in your musculo-skeletal system.

It's play for adults, who never get to stand on one foot and pretend they're a tree. It lets you try new things without fear. It's a chance to meet like-minded people and learn something new. It teaches you about yourself..more »

Does smoking promote a healthy habit?

Ask nearly any smoker or ex-smoker why cigarettes are so addicting and they'll probably say, "It's the nicotine." But delve further into the hook, and what is revealed is that most smokers breathe quite differently while smoking than they do when they're not, aiding in relaxation by simply engaging in the same inhale - hold - exhale rhythm, sometimes 500 times a day.

This pattern for many can be considered meditation, used for reflection or forward-thinking time, and when most people attempt to quit smoking cold turkey, they don't even think about what they're "missing."

Yoga instructors are the first to tell you that breathing is core to a healthy lifestyle. Therefore, despite the fact that cigarettes are loaded with addictive chemicals and nicotine, the breathing pattern is part of the "escape" for smokers. more →